Boxing and kickboxing: what's the difference?

Boxing and kickboxing: what's the difference?

Boxing and kickboxing. Both contain the word 'boxing'. Both sports also use many of the same techniques and materials. Yet there are also some clear differences – and they are not only found in the word 'kick'. We will explain what the similarities and where the differences are.

The most obvious distinction is in the rules for the use of body parts. In boxing you can only use your hands, in kickboxing you use the hands, feet and shins.

Difference between boxing and kickboxing

In kickboxing you are mainly concerned with the leg technique. You have three different types of kicks: the low kick, the mid kick and the high kick. The low kick is aimed at the outside of the thigh, the mid kick is aimed at the side and the high kick has to hit the head. You are not allowed to use your knees and elbows, nor are you allowed to clinch.

Clinching is allowed in boxing. With this defensive method, you try to stop the opponent from attacking with a move that resembles a firm embrace. In addition, in boxing you are not allowed to punch below the belt and you are not allowed to hit someone in the back of the head.


Similarities Between boxing and kickboxing

So there are differences in rules and use of body parts. But there are also many similarities between boxing and kickboxing. They both fall – of course – under 'martial arts' and both have many physical and mental benefits. You train all the muscles in the body, improve your stamina, reaction time and timing and it can have a stress-reducing effect.
You wear boxing gloves, optionally with inner gloves Not only to protect your own hands, you also reduce the impact of the punches on the body of your opponent. The gloves are often a bit smaller for kickboxing, but you can make that choice yourself. A head guard is also an absolute must in both sports and a mouth guard is recommended if you train on a more professional level.
It is important to protect the feet and legs since there is an emphasis on those. You do this with special shin guards, which often also protect the instep of your foot.


How do you train for boxing and kickboxing?

The technique for both sports is basically the same. You learn to punch, dodge and absorb the right way. In kickboxing, this is extended with kicks. A workout also starts the same way. You start with a warm-up; usually done by jump ropes, sometimes supplemented with shadow boxing.
Then you start the real workout. You can do that with a sparring partner who uses coaching mitts gebruikt. But a punching bag is also ideal. Punching bags are available in different sizes. The smaller ones (70-100 centimeters) are for boxing, the longer ones (120-180 centimeters) are intended for kickboxing (punches and kicks). Punching bags are available for ceiling mounting, for attaching to the wall with a wall hook and there are also standing punching bags. A slam man – also called a boxing dummy or boxing doll – can also be used for both sports. This allows you to work on your reaction speed, timing and strength with special programs (based on lights on the dummy).
Are you as excited about boxing and kickboxing as we are? In our renewed range we have everything to make these sports a success!


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